Monkey-Robots and friends go exploring...

Been taking the plushies on walks. Here's some cute pics of the lil ladies n' gents. Plush toys for all!! xoxo-lemonade

Spring Time Lambs

Just had to post this little guy on his trip to the beach. He likes to get his sun on while he can. The weather has been getting nice here on the west coast, it's time for some lemonade!! Check out more cute plush toys on my Lemonade website:
Happy Friday!!

morning walks

This morning I ran out of milk. Which is a morning catastrophe for me. I need milk for the coffee and breakie. Or else I can't start the day and get to work. So instead of hopping on my bike and making it a quick errand, I went for a walk and brought the camera. Vancouver has so many beautiful things growing this time of year and I always mean to take photos, but always put it off. So, I took a couple extra minutes and enjoyed the walk. Anyhoo, hope you're all enjoying spring where ever you are. Hope the buds around you are making you smile. (^___^)

handmade (^____^)

This week I got the best surprise in the mail. My lovely auntie sent one of her beautiful quilts in the mail as a wedding present. I've always drooled over her beautiful handmade quilts, but honestly never thought I would ever own one. My grandma (my mum and aunt's mother) used to make quilts for her grandkids' wedding before she passed. So I just never expected to get a handmade quilt in my lifetime. We used to spend quite a bit of time at my auntie's farm when I was little and growing up, and I adore her. So, to receive this beautiful quilt from her got me a little teary eyed when I opened the package. It even smelt like her house!! Things are so precious when you least expect them. (^___^) Now at night when I'm worrying about life's stupid problems, I get a cup of tea, a book and curl up in this quilt full of love.

tying knots

So the boy and I got hitched. Yeah, it took us 10 yrs, but we finally got old enough that just dating wasn't as cute anymore!! :) haha. We eloped with our parents to Salt Spring Island (one of the larger Gulf Islands between Vancouver and Vancouver Island) and had an intimate and romantic little ceremony. It was pretty damn near perfect and to all yous who can't do a big party or aren't really into the whole wedding thing, this I recommend! We hired a justice of the peace, a photographer, picked up some daffodils from a roadside farm and made it happen. My adorable dress is from an etsy shop (, I added a raw silk belt to it and Josh picked up his outfit the week before and we spent 5 days on the island. It wasn't long enough, but it was perfect and awesome. Checked out the Salt Spring Island Cheese (, went to some wineries (,, visited the Saturday Market, and watched the sun set over ocean. Sigh, fuzzy, happy hearts over here. :)

(photos by billie woods: